In Tuition

“When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should sense.” Kahlil Gibrán

Greetings Dear Ones!

Prudence Thimbleton is cranky. For one thing, the recent heat wave (all two days of it) is hard on her—she hates the sensation of sweat gluing her toes together inside of the thickly-seamed dark brown pantyhose that she wears everywhere, even in shorts. (Gasp! Prudence Thimbleton would NEVER wear shorts!)  Having spent the past ten months grumbling about the cold, we must make good use of this precious and fleeting opportunity to crab about the heat. “It’s not the heat; it’s the humidity,” say the locals, looking like drippy candles after a short walk from the parking area. “The air is so thick and you have to chew it thoroughly before you can swallow it,” observes my visiting Scottish nephew.  I am doing that old New England trick of opening all the windows in the house at night and running box fans in the windows until dawn. Then I seal up the house and pull dark curtains closed against the solar heat and the house has to hold its cool breath until I get home at 5:30 before it can exhale again.

In times like this, nothing makes Prudence’s deodorant expire faster than answering the phone to hear a caller say “Yeah.... Um…” in place of a salutation, before launching into the business at hand: “Yeah…um…I’… a bridesmaid in a um…wedding. Um…How long will it take you to fix a dress for me and um…how much do you charge?”  

“Who ARE you? (With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?) When is the wedding? (Cause if it’s this weekend, I’m afraid you don’t have a paddle for that creek full of excrement you are up) What is the dress like? How many layers? What, exactly, would you like us to do to it? (Is it a tad big? A teeny tinch small? Or does it have enough slack in it to smuggle wombats? And while you’re at it, how long is a piece of string?)

 Poor Prudence is instantly hijacked by one of her “Um” tallies and by the time the customer has hung up (twenty-seven ums later) I cannot remember a word the girl said.  It doesn’t matter. Nothing can be known until we actually see the dress anyway.  Hopefully I told her to just come in as soon as possible for an estimate. I sit back down at my table and listen to Prudence rant about how “People Today” know how to do everything on a cell phone from private banking to global navigation but they have completely forgotten how to use it for its original purpose—which was to communicate politely, profficiently and Properly!

It takes her a while to stop steaming. To tell you the truth, she’s been pretty frazzled since the men moved in with her. Men, you ask? Yes. Men.  I found out we can call on our Spirit Guides for help with problems and these two showed up instantly, took a shine to Prudence and haven’t left yet. Now she can’t leave her dark brown panty-hose to drip dry on the radiator anymore and she is always fretting that one of them might pinch her bottom. They haven’t yet. But they might.

 I like them. They are great fun and jolly useful since they know a lot about the work I am trying to do. They are my blood ancestors: Cesare Zambarano, my great grandfather, a tailor born in Italy who moved to America as a teenage apprentice at the turn of the last century, and a chap called Michael Barton, also a tailor, who was born in Co. Tipperary 1778 and died in Rochdale, Massachusetts in 1872, according to Cousin Mary, our family historian. I’ve sensed their presence for some time now but just not had names for them.  They are the ones who provide the answers to problems I could never solve without In-tuition—the teaching that comes from Within. They have all sorts of useful ideas and guide me with impulses and insights that work beautifully when I am open to receiving them. No doubt there are a number of wisely Silent women helping me too—but they are not as flamboyant as these two characters. I’ve learned that they help when I ask, only when I ask—and sometimes the asking is actually begging.  This is the thing with Spirit Guides.  They don’t seem to help if they are not invited.  They just sit around laughing, swallowing pints of Guinness and Chianti and pestering Prudence.  Like the tailors featured in most fairytales, they are incredibly resourceful, imaginative, and unbelievably cheeky.  But they work fast.  Their insights come at blinding speed—though never exactly in the moment I want them to.

“You cannot solve the problem you just got yourself into while you are still looking at the problem,” they seem to say. “Play us a tune on your fiddle! Take a nap! We’ll sort you out…”

“But I can’t take a nap or play the fiddle!! I’m at WORK!  I need to get this done! There is a lady here with two giant gaps on the sides of her backless dress who expects those gaps to go away by tomorrow.  The dress has got rhinestones that have to be moved, all sorts of ruching over the top layer and the lining is that cheap knit shit that runs faster than Usain Bolt when you poke it the wrong way with a needle. My sewing machine just pooped out a lump of black bobbin grease on a white pair of pants and what about that guy whose head is half-way down the hill on the other side of his shoulders—we need to get his suit collar to lie down on his neck instead of resembling an open grain scoop sticking out of his back. What about that?”

I look down at the table below me.  I have pulled too hard on the fabric rushing under the needle—it’s stretch fabric—and now the crotch I have been repairing has an undesirable “wave” to it.  One of the tailors in my head begins to sing “Wavy…wavy…crotch it” to the tune of “Davy, Davy Crocket, King of the Wild Frontier.” This is NOT helpful! Though I cannot help giggling. Then I feel familiar panic and decide that the best thing I can do right now is shave my head, grow a beard (my chin is trying to anyway…) and move to Bora Bora and never tell anyone ever again that I know how to thread a needle.

“Please, guys!” I wimper. “You’ve GOT to help me.  What about ‘ask and thou shall receive,’ eh? I’m ASKING!!!!”

“Ah,” says one cheeky devil, crossing his legs and lighting a pipe, “but you are not ready to Receive. The energy difference between a Problem and a Solution is huge.  We’re old men with nothing to do.  Time doesn’t exist for us. We’ll wait.”

I’m flabbergasted.  I want to scream. These problems are so huge and I have no idea what to do and people are counting on me. I’ll have to go on Youtube during my lunchbreak to see if they say anything about how to bring the collar of a man’s jacket down to where it will actually take a passing interest in his neck. It’s probably the first thing they teach you in Sewing School, but I didn’t go to that.  I’m making this up as I go along, as I do everything.

“Drop the problem,” say the jolly Tailors again. “You cannot see the solutions while you are obsessing over the problems. Stop arguing for your limitations. Stop explaining why you cannot do this. Stop feeling like a victim.  We have a slew of fabulous suggestions for you as soon as you stop wimpering like…well, a thing that wimpers a lot.”

“Wimpering is what she does best,” says Prudence, who cannot help herself. “If she had tried harder in Math, she could have a REAL job and not be in this mess in the first place.”

The tailors glare at her. This IS a real job. The Best Job. A Useful gift to the world and to people who might otherwise have to roam the earth with their ankles hidden for all time. The Irish one draws his sword, ready to duel. The Italian one just grins at her and mimes a “pinching” motion with his hand. She flees.

“Prudence doesn’t know the first thing about sewing,” I explain, “but had she ever learned, she should have been a great proficient!”

“Aye,” says the Irish guy, “like most armchair Experts.”

A customer in the early stages of Alzheimer’s comes in to the shop to collect his clothes. “Have I been here already?” he wants to know. “Yes, we say.  This is your third time today. You already got everything when you picked up the first time.”  He smiles in a fragile, concerned way that contains no joy.  He is confused. The voices in his head are not saying the right things to him these days.  Some are going silent.  He is floundering, cut off from his inner “knowing.”  He shouldn’t be out driving alone. We make plans to notify his daughter as soon as he leaves the shop. There is a sobering chill that penetrates the heat in the shop.

 “Tuition” can mean many things. Parents of undergraduates know it to be the thing that means “no discretionary income until graduation” that shackles them to a form of modern indentured servitude. Actually, it comes from the Latin root tueri, which means “to watch or guard.” I assumed the word “intuition” would be related, since it seems to have a similar root. My best guess would have been “inner teacher or inner guardian.” Instead, intuition comes from the Latin verb intueri translated as "consider" or from the late Middle English word intuit, "to contemplate". Plato is the first philosopher to discuss intuition, which he defines in The Republic as “a fundamental capacity of human reason to comprehend the true nature of  reality” Jung defines intuition as "perception via the unconscious": using sense-perception only as a starting point, to bring forth ideas, images, possibilities, ways out of a blocked situation, by a process that is mostly unconscious.  In more-recent psychology, intuition can encompass the ability to know valid solutions to problems and decision making.  Yep, that sounds like Mick and Cesare, alright. When those wise guys get around to it…

Eventually, when I am in a calmer state, looking only for Solutions, they help instantly.  Suddenly, I can see that by treating the inner lining of the backless dress separately from the outer layer, I can put a big dart in it to take up the excess fabric, and reconfigure the fashion fabric over it to conceal it, trimming where necessary.  I remake both sides, taking a total of four inches out of the back, and no one is the wiser. The man’s collar I can lower by removing the felted bit under the collar and putting a similar dart in the very top of the coat.  When he comes back to try it on, he is in raptures. “I never had a coat fit me this good in a long time!” he crows. “This body ain’t an easy fit.  Look at me! This is as good as the old-world tailors of when I was a boy.” (Upstairs, Mick Barton and Cesare are slapping each other on the back and beginning to snuffle around for their tobacco pouches and whisky.)  “Yes Sir,” I say to the man. “It is indeed. Those old boys teach me a lot.”

There is incredible power in our inner minds, when we stop to listen, when we seek Solutions, instead of focusing on problems, when we open to Suggestions. I am incredibly excited about this discovery.  I think it is at the heart of any Creative Process—or problem solving. Have you ever noticed how often you wake up with new innovations after a break or a nap? I think the Unconscious Mind is something like our modern cell phones in that they are tools that can do SO MUCH MORE—with so much capacity it boggles the mind—than just the basics.  Though, at the heart of it all, it is a Listening Device for the purposes of Communication.

“Yes…” says Prudence, “AND…I would like to remind you that your Unconscious Mind also ate half a paper towel wrapped around your breakfast sandwich on your way to work this morning, while you weren’t looking!”

Be Well, my darlings!  May you hear Helpful Things from Within.  And no matter where it comes from, Let there be Learning!  Thank you for your Loving Work today and always.

Yours aye,




It’s helpful to have some arrogance with paranoia. If we were all paranoia, we’d never leave the house. If we were all arrogance, no one would want us to leave the house.’ Chris Martin

Greetings my Darlings,

An energetic woman is in the fitting room clawing at the neckline of her dress like it is a rash.  To compensate for her short-waistedness, we have had to take up the shoulders about three and a half inches.  Now she feels like she is being choked.  Two angry red flares are showing in her cheeks and her eyes are flashing glassy with held-back tears as she glares at the dress in the mirror. She turns to me suddenly and says, “I hate this dress but I need it to be perfect.  I shouldn’t even be going to this wedding.  I don’t belong.” I understand her perfectly.  I can lower that neckline by an inch by tomorrow so that she can breathe.  Sometimes breathing itself is a tall order when we feel we don’t Belong.

Meanwhile, a fabulous young man has started working with us in the shop.  His life goal is to join our little Seamster’s Union.  When I ask him if he would like to be mentioned in this blog, he claps his hands and says, “Oh, Yes!  Only I want to portrayed as a Middle-aged White Woman who doesn’t really need this job.” We all laugh.   She brings in samples of her work and we ooh and ahh over her sense of texture, color, style.  This kid is really creative, for a Middle-aged white woman who doesn’t need this job.  She whips up things like “Sandy” had for Bette Middler’s character  “Barbara” to wear in the 80’s movie “Ruthless People.”  Bold, imaginative, with strong lines and colors--it’s incredible stuff.   She taught herself all she knows, which is so impressive.  Unfortunately, she did not teach herself how to shank a button, how to alter clothing (only how to make it from scratch, which is a completely different ball of wax, or whacks, as the case may be…), and she has never used a blind hemmer or a serger or any of the other specialty machines we have in the shop.  Now she is stuck hemming jeans and struggling with patching faded jackets that really should be put out of their misery and up-cycled into tea cozies.   It isn’t long before I find this poor, Middle-aged White Woman slumped over the blind hemmer, trying to rethread it for the fourth time, mumbling in despair, “I thought I could sew… I feel like I can’t sew… This is just awful…I can’t do anything…”

“Chin up, honey,” I say, “Seamsters are Tough.  Seamsters don’t cry.   You can do this!  You are doing fine.  We’ve ALL Been There!”   And it’s true.  We have.  But she continues to shrink—the shame waves billowing off her are palpable as she submerges herself in despair.  She cares SO much.  It’s so important that she be Perfect. Immediately. Without Practice.  Without Instruction. Magically Perfect.   It’s adorable,  how innocently arrogant she is, to think she ought to be as good as those who have been doing this for more than thirty years already… Skill is dearly bought. Muscle memory takes thousands of repetitions. Learning takes failing.  I want to hug her and smack her and “fix” her all at the same time. Instead, I turn away and let her feel what she is feeling. This is a powerful “Ego-in-the-woodchipper” moment for her.  Who am I to deprive her of it?  I know enough about Ego-in-the-woodchipper moments to know the blessings they bring.

Imposter Syndrome is all about lurching or sashaying between arrogance and paranoia, and bumping up against our ignorance or lack of experience in the middle.  Anything worth doing well is worth doing badly but it takes some arrogance to want to do it in the first place. Then we have to live with all the growing pains.

Some of us feel the yearning in our hearts to do things or Be things and we attempt them despite the steep climb ahead of us because we know that to ignore this Call, this Gift, this Invitation is to abort a part of ourselves we could never be otherwise.  I grew up in a community that talked a lot about Vocations, but when it came right down to it, the options were few and did not seem to involve sewing machines or sheep dung.  While it was clear very early that my talents veered towards music, art, and stories, I was consistently told by Those Who Knew Better, that I needed to do remedial math courses instead.  It was like telling a fish to ride a bicycle. A conversation that NEVER happened (but was clearly Understood as though it had) went something like this:

            Me: “But God would not have given me both these gifts and the yearning to use them if I wasn’t supposed to Use them for His Glory!”

            Those Who Knew Better: “Well God has no idea what the current labor market is for storytellers and folk-musicians.  He clearly wasn’t thinking straight.  You need to learn how to do Calculus this semester so that you can be a Specialist-who-needed-Calculus-to-get-Certified. If you don’t have a piece of paper saying you can Do Something, your life will be a Colossal Failure and you will wind up in mis-matched socks, smelling vaguely of cheap gin on the road to perdition.”

            Me: “But what if, as God’s Child, He just wants me to be Happy and he gave me these things so that I could be very, Very happy serving his Other Children?”

            Those Who Knew Better: “That’s Ridiculous. God does not work like that.  Money may be the root of all Evil but you’re still going to need plenty of it and you can’t make money being “happy.” Besides, we aren’t supposed to be happy.  You are here to Suffer.  All of life is Suffering.  (Hence Calculus).”

            Me: “Wait…I thought this was a Catholic School…Are we Buddhists now?”

And thirty years later, I didn’t ever manage to pass Calculus and my life has been…well… the life of the Perpetual Imposter. I wasn’t “supposed to be” who I am.  I was supposed to be Something Else but I could not pass Calculus.  And I must confess I’ve had a hell of a lot of fun on the detour!  I’ve been a mother, a seamster, a teacher, a cook, a gardener, a farmer, and a dabbler in all sorts of things that defy labels.   I’ve also wasted monumental amounts of time in sweat-drenching, colon-twisting anxiety about What Others Might Think and feeling like I don’t Belong.  This has led to an untellable amount of heartbreak and disaster. 

What I have learned is that if your heart gets broken, that turns out to be a Jolly Useful Thing.  It just means you have pieces you can share now, like cuttings from a house plant, that you can give to others whose hearts need healing as they Dare to be Themselves.  Those heart cuttings, properly tended, can grow new roots and flourish in gorgeous new ways when others lose heart, lose sight, and think they are imposing or Imposters.   

One of the things I enjoy most is telling stories.  The only way I can do that is to Write and tell stories.  So I do.  Hence this 4:am blog.  Sometimes it’s excruciatingly raw and embarrassing.   I don’t know how to do the basics—the equivalents of shanking a button, or using the machinery.  (Mere Children have to show me again and again how to post on Instagram.)  Sometimes I hit “publish” and feel nausea.  Sometimes I see my threads of thought get tangled or unraveled but I have left myself no time to edit, or rewrite.  I vascillate between triumph and despair so often and so much that when a “Professional Writer” for prestigious publications mentions that he might read an entry, I go into a shame spiral the likes of which make the Middle Aged White Woman slumped over the blind hemmer look like she just had a mild menstrual cramp.   I instantly “un-friend” him and block his phone number for days. I just don’t want to look this Stupid.  

Nevertheless, I persist….

My darling Scottish Nephew, whom I adore, comes to visit for the weekend.  He is handsome, wise and kind and, at only twenty years of age, the very pinnacle of physical perfection. He dances for the Royal Ballet in London and they have just been on tour in Japan and L.A. I ask him how it feels to be in those big shows, on those massive stages, traveling around the world.  “Do you ever feel like you don’t belong, like an Imposter?” He smiles sheepishly, “Of course! All the time. It helps me focus and work harder.  But My worst days of all are when I think, ‘what’s this all about anyway? What am I doing with my life but striving to entertain or distract wealthy people…’ That’s when I have to think seriously about the nature of Art and why it’s worth doing. Why anything is worth doing…”   His answers take us trudging up a nearby mountain, through dinner, and deep into an evening around a campfire.  When we do things for the sheer Love of them, without thought to audience or paycheck—when we get to experience that sensation of a soul in flight, in pure Flow—Nothing is Frivolous.  Nothing is not worth doing.

Who are we to look at our gifts, our calls, our talents, and say that our God/s had no idea what S/he was doing? That we don’t have Enough? Who’s to say that the mere Wanting to fulfill a dream is not Reason enough to do it? Are these calls not also Divine micro-vocations?  (from Vocare: Latin for “call.” )  All I can say for sure is that Not Answering is far more dangerous than looking like a total arse in front of other humans who are secretly terrified by the idea that they look like arses too.   As I used to say of my housekeeping habits “I am here to make you all feel Wonderful: The Slackers can see they are not alone and the Achievers can enjoy an enhanced self-satisfaction that they can do better than this. Everybody wins!”

Erma Bombeck said, “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'.  For some of you, that is going to take some doing!  You have SO many talents. And to anyone contemplating the Vulnerability of risking your True Self in public, I say, let’s Do It. Hold my clammy little, calloused hand.  Let’s JUMP! Let’s make a big fun mess and learn as we go. I’ll lower our necklines, if necessary, so we can breathe easier.

Thanks, dear Friends, for the Good Work you do—especially if it takes Courage, especially if you are an Imposter filling in for an “expert” who has yet to show up.

Yours aye,


An Inside Job

Some mistakes are worse than others: wearing your underwear inside out isn’t as uncomfortable as wearing it back to front.” ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Greetings Dear Ones!

I am making Sunday brunch for friends and the kitchen is out of eggs so I dash to the henhouse to gather a few.  I feel terrible robbing their nest while they are looking—usually I offer a distraction like a treat that makes them all run squawking outside while I quickly plunder their smooth, warm treasures.  Lately it’s been difficult. The little ginger hen has been particularly broody lately. Refusing to abandon her post, she crouches in the box, hissing and protecting her darlings from villains like me.  It’s been very warm here recently and when I get back to the stove and crack the first three eggs, they explode with a faint Pop.  A brownish liquid runs from them into the glass measuring cup where I break them one by one before adding them to the pan.  For a second, I wonder why they don’t smell, the way one wonders if that hot sauce is really hot, just before it sears a whole through your tongue.  Within moments, I am running for the compost pile gagging. (I should write a book on how to hostess the most exciting brunches.) From the outside, the eggs looked just fine.  From the inside, I’m going to have to leave the windows open and fans running for a week.

This is often how it is with clothes.  They look fine on the outside but inside they are rotten.  Sometimes gaggably so.  And to fix them, very rarely are we able to do anything topically.  We have to take a blade and dig right in there.  We must excavate and explore the interior spaces, learn every back alley or hidden tunnel, while the body dirt falls on the cutting table and ironing board.  (A co-worker calls beach sand and bugs “surf and turf.”)  Sometimes, we cannot answer a single question without exploratory surgery first.  We get to see ugly like you’ve never dreamed it could be, inside a forty-year-old velvet tuxedo whose wearer appears to have liberally smeared his nether regions with Preparation H before each formal event.  Some of the prettiest dresses on the outside are unmentionably gross on the inside. Often, as we cut along the seams and reveal the seam allowances on the inside, we see what color the garment was when it was made, before it was stained or faded or patched or dyed with mystery beverage by those who serve party punch in trash cans.  There are all kinds of information to be gleaned behind the seams.

We never know what we are going to find inside someone’s clothing but the solutions to their problems begin there.  We must go Inward if we are to solve Outward.  It’s pure Zen.

A woman comes in with her son’s trousers.  The little pucker lines around her mouth reveal her obstinancy. “Can you let these out and lengthen them?” she wants to know but in a way that is telling, rather than asking us. A flushed and starry-eyed Bridesmaid is confused about why her gown looks smooth on the outer layer but she feels the lining “has lumps in it.” A jolly, portly man with dimples wants to know why his suit jacket lining falls down every time he puts his hands in his pockets.  A forlorn bride wants to know if we can let out her gown a trimester’s worth.  To each of them I say, “The only way to answer is to go In and go Deep.”  We cannot tell by looking at the outside what is truly happening on the inside.  We, quite literally, must turn the In side Out. The only barrier standing between the answers we seek and the surface mysteries is our Courage.  We must dare to Sink.  The answers to all these surface questions lie Under.

It’s a fascinating world beneath the linen. A man brings a sport coat to us and insists that we need to do it over for him. We’ve done it wrong, he insists.  He says we were to shorten it but it flops in a disagreeable way that vexes him.  After he leaves, I take it to my table and begin the archeological dig.  I see the work of at least two tailors who went before—the one who made the jacket in the first place, and where the next tailor made some alterations.  It’s as easy to spot the differences as it is to distinguish between people’s signatures.  We each have our own “way.”  With relief, I immediately ascertain that it was not I who caused this problem.  Eagle-eyed Prudence insists we check again to be sure.  She fully expects me to be to blame. But I am not. I am certain I have never worked on this coat before in my life.  Neither has any other person in the shop. None of us do things the way this person has done this work.  The jacket was shortened by folding up the bottom and blind-hemming it in place—leaving a huge wad of fabric tipping outward against the back of the outer layer of the jacket.  Nothing was trimmed off. The bits near the corners were cut and left completely open.  Someone had “stitched in the ditch” in the wrong color thread—probably whatever was conveniently to hand (indicating a lack of professionalism)(or a lack of bog-standard, ubiquitous black thread)(“Nonsense,” says Prudence, “how can it be ubiquitous if there was a lack of it?”)—on all of the vertical seams, making it billow and pucker oddly.  Most home sewers do not own a blind hemmer, so this was obviously some sort of professional—perhaps very old school, working quickly, who didn’t want to charge the guy a lot of money?  Who knows? The speculations are fascinating.  When I show the other ladies what the inside has revealed, we all agree. None of us did this work.  The man must be mistaken.  He is a regular customer and we fix a lot of his clothes—perhaps he got confused.  He bought the jacket second hand and it probably came this way.

We all leave our indelible marks on each other—inside where we cannot see them immediately.  They are marks of love, of trauma, of conflict…the scars of learning and growing.  At least, where clothing is concerned, it’s fairly easy to correct mistakes—once one identifies the problem, it’s only the work of a day to sort things out.  I wish people themselves would be as simple!  If only I could cut through my own seamy-ness, peer under a flap of my own soul and say, “Goodness! Look at this tangled up mess!  What is this??? Is this YARN?” and begin to unwind myself and straighten myself out.  Sport coats are way easier!

Once I understand how the extra fabric in the man’s sport coat is causing his problem, it’s easy to trim the excess, reattach the lining in its proper place and anchor the seam allowances so that the bottom does not sag.  With a good pressing, the jacket looks much better, “Normal” even. 

A young friend eating my now-eggless brunch, smiles at me and says “I’m so glad I have people in my life who challenge me and force me to change my ways!” We have been talking of someone who recently inspired her greatly.  “He called me out on some of my nonsense and I had to agree that he was right.” I gaze at her fondly.  I can appreciate how she has changed, how she is blossoming and coming into her own power, and I am so incredibly pleased for her.  It’s a privilege to see her relinquish all sense of victimhood and step into her own Grace.  She is Magnificent.  After a pause, I say “well, I hope you never expect ME to be that kind of friend!”  She laughs. “Why not?”

“I’m way too lazy.  Besides, I really don’t have the stomach for telling people what is wrong with them. All I can see is what is Right with you.  I’ll be the sort of mushy friend who likes you No Matter What.  The kind who, when you go off your diet, admits that she ate not one but TWO pints of Ice cream the day her sugar-free daughter went back to college.”

“Oh, my God…” she says, snorting tea into her lungs so fast that tears pour down her cheeks as she tries to breathe without laughing. “You didn’t!!”

“Oh, but I did!  And I won’t be the sort of friend who bails you out of jail either, so don’t make me your one phone call…”

“No doubt you’ll probably be locked up with her,” says Prudence, snarkily.  

It’s not my job to change other people. Hell, it’s hard enough to change their clothes!  Besides, I have yet to figure out how to change myself.  The 18th Century Sage, Samuel Johnson  says “The fountain of content must spring up in the mind, and he who hath so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his own disposition, will waste his life in fruitless efforts and multiply the grief he proposes to remove.”  Yep. Just as I suspected, Happiness, like clothing, is a job one must do from the inside.  After a lifetime of offering “Helpful Suggestions” to roommates, offspring, siblings, a spouse, I may not yet be a fountain of Content but I certainly agree that all attempts to Change Others only multiplies the grief we propose to remove.   (Boy, have I multiplied some Grief in my day!)  From here on in, I’m sticking with pins and pens to do my crafting.  We can work on each other’s clothes, not each other’s souls.  It is not for us to decide how others ought to be internally. Likewise, only we can decide for ourselves—only we know for sure if the Inner and Outer worlds are fitting well, stitched together securely, and Aligned properly.  The Answers are Within. We each get the privilege of Tailoring our own One Precious Life to fit us as we choose.

Be Well, my Dearies!  I love you Just As You Are, ragged Insides and all. Thank you for your Good Work today and for all you do to bring your lovely Light to this world!

Yours aye,


With Liberty and Justice for All...


“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” ― George Orwell

Greetings Dear Ones!

Liberty and Justice are hard to find when one is self-employed and trying to keep up with the whims and waistlines of New Englanders embarking on a summer of beaching and barbeques.  As a friend likes to joke, “When you work for yourself, you can work any eighty hours a week you like!” Trying to please people who have no idea what they want is its own kind of tyranny—and where is the Justice when bitchy brides like “Brittany” decide to stiff you after more than forty hours of work?  (Such are the joys of Capitalism.)  Of course true Freedom comes from many things—ironically, the most important ways involve focus, awareness, discipline, and the myriad of tiny, petty, unsexy ways we choose to sacrifice ourselves for others or a Greater Good.  Dedicated practicing of any skill leads to freedoms and privileges that Proficiency unlocks.  Sacrifice: the Sacred Trade. I know I must Contain Myself but I keep escaping, much to Prudence’s despair. 

This week, I am a Bell at Liberty—the shop is closed, as are many of the area businesses, including dry-cleaners whom we service.  Most folks are going on some sort of vacation but to me, the real treat is in getting to stay home with my lambs and animals.  In the absence of my usual daily and weekly routines, I am pondering freedom and anarchy.  To ward off the anarchy of “free” time, and make certain jobs seem more fun, I have given myself a game of “Chore Bingo.” I make a grid and fill in the boxes with things I want to accomplish in this precious week of “spare time”—things like “mow lawn,” “clean attic,” “throw out all the frozen food that is more than two years old so you can fill the freezer with yarn instead” (to protect it from moths), “find out what that dank smell in the basement is…”  I can do things in any order and I color each box as I complete the task.  I had planned to reward myself for completing each row with unseemly amounts of ice cream but my twenty-one-year-old daughter ruined it all by coming home and announcing that sugar is POISON and that I must support her in a total renunciation of anything refined.  As a college student, she’s learned A Thing Or Two… She has compelling Science to prove her points. She is adamant.  

So, here I am, unexpectedly attempting to live an UNREFINED life, which puts me in mind of that Gloria Steinem quote: "The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off, " which is pretty much how I feel foregoing having the most amazing, local, farm-stand-fresh-from-the-cows-staring-at-you-over-the-fence, what-New-England-does-Best kind of ice cream for supper for a week.  Apparently, I will feel better and radiate a glowing vitality in sixty days or less… How nice for me…. (slump…) Apparently, breaking the chains of my sugar addiction will bring me freedom from all manner of ills, including the aching in my hands, and if I don’t live forever, at least it will feel like that. (How soon is lunch? What?? THREE more hours??) Apparently, the urge to poke this child of mine repeatedly with a sharp fork will pass, along with the cravings… 

It’s good to have freedom from the shop…The last few days before the break were fraught with the demands of people who could not contemplate attending Uncle Louie’s holiday barbeque without the appropriate seasonal attire.  Chowing charred weiners and warm potato salad in celebration of America’s Independence in a flag-colored mini-skirt that gaps a little over the hip was a fate that did not bear facing.  For one, the Pursuit of Happiness involved making a seamstress redo a jacket four times to make it look like his clothing comes in cans.  Another woman demanded we make a one-piece pull-over dress that looked like something that should be used in the annual family sack race be “um…you know…tailored to flatter her figure more.”  She kept grabbing fistfuls of fabric from around her middle and asking why we couldn’t “do something.” Explaining that we could not take it in as much as she wanted or she would not be able to get it off over her head again was futile.  She looked at us as if we were just being difficult.  Our Nation has not gone to war, nearly every single generation since 1776 to defend Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Bargains so that she could wait two weeks for this either.  She needed it Friday at the latest.  I was tempted to stitch her right into it so tight that she could not get out but I knew I would just have to do it over, so I curtailed my freedom of speech and held pins in my mouth to help me be quiet.

All month, people have been exercising their dearly-bought rights to bare arms and belly rings and cleavage and something called the “under-bum” which I had no idea had a name.  Prudence views such outfits as a total scandal.  She does not think that the farmers of Lexington and Concord took their pitchforks in hand and drove the “lobster-backs” through the streets of Arlington so that future generations could glimpse under-bums.  Liberty should not be extended to the fleshy parts of humanity that belong under several layers of knickers, bloomers, and Spanx.  For the love of all that is Holy, why can’t we bring back petticoats to the ankle? All men might be created equal but all bums are not. (This, I am certain, is what ultimately caused the Great Depression.)

On July 3,1776, John Adams wrote to Abigail: The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epocha in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illumination, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore

Ok, so the poor man was off by two days… Still, Two hundred and forty three years later, his visions are mostly correct—if we keep the view very fuzzy and from a great distance.  We’ve gone a little scanty on the solemn acts of devotions to God Almighty but we’ve more than made up for it in pomp, parades, and Chinese Firework purchases from roadside stands in New Hampshire, from guys like “Hank” who have spent their dental hygiene budget on tattoos instead (hence the need for beer and potato salad as their main form of nourishment).  Who knows? I even believe (in fact, I am quite certain) that the founding teenagers were just as concerned about hem-lengths and displaying a shapely calf as their twenty-first century counterparts.

Thanks to those brave Patriots, sweating it out in the 1776 Continental Congress meeting in July in Philadelphia, we have thrown off the yoke of British Imperialism and are free to consume as many mass-produced, poorly fitting internet purchases from China as we please.  As Napoleon Bonepart commented, “Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide." Word. Dude, Totally! I see it in the dressing room every day—women paralyzed by the choices before them:  backless or strapless? Spanx or no Spanx? Buy the next size up or wire your jaw shut until the wedding?

And let’s face it, as Patriotic Americans—we have a lot to decide in the hours and months ahead: Burgers or hotdogs? Coke or Pepsi? Current Washington Politics or Sanity? Fish, or cut bait? The Democratic Republic our Founding Parents set up ensures that we get a vote.  It’s not necessarily a vote that counts but so what? Vote anyway.  A well-functioning democracy means that less than most of us get to be unhappy.   

Prudence is of the opinion that in order to enjoy freedom, we really need to control ourselves—the way a well-structured gown is actually easier to move in than a loose-fitting sack that gives no support.  If you intend to go strapless, then you will require a lot of boning around your mid-section. You need Stability to go free. Anyone who has had her knees bound together by sagging panty-hose will tell you this.  Freedom is not the absence of structure—it’s getting the chance to be who we really are—or never thought we could be because of the fabric of support enveloping us.  Freedom is what we continue to co-create from all that has been done for us beforehand, behind the scenes.  Whether you are in a mob cap or baseball cap, go forth and exercise Ye Olde inalienable right to be Dowdy or Dazzling, Dapper or Drab! Thanks Be, you are Free to Choose.  (But you might not get your orders done until next week!)

Yours aye,

Nancy (Liberty) Bell

The Straight of the Goods

“Wobbly seams charm no one.” –from a Vintage sewing book

Greetings Dear Ones!

Once upon a time, a tired little seamstress woke up feeling somewhat out of sorts.  She lay in her bed and considered the day ahead—filled as she knew it might be with clogged bobbins, snaggled threads, mischievous measurements, and middle-raged customers.   Her internal celestial “channel” was not tuned to the Divine, but rather her dial had shifted to some rather horrible static, as if she had hit the AM rather than FM button on the radio.  In fact, it was AM—very early AM, thanks to the bleating of the lambs and the thimble-sized bladders of her dogs.  She thought, “I have plenty of time--all I have to do is get my circuits realigned and All Shall BE Well.  I just need to Meditate, journal, do what my children call some New Age sort of “Hooey Pooey” with my Angel cards… When I am tuned in properly, I can do Good Work and find any customer Adorable, even if he or she is being ornery. But if I stay in this frame of mind, it will be a horrible day, no matter how nice people are.” It seemed like a good plan.

 “Rubbish,” huffed Prudence. “You just need to get up and Do What Needs to Be Done for the sheer hell of it. You needn’t feel good about it.”  But our tired little seamstress realized that she was at all times responsible for her own mental state.  Besides, who wants to work with a woman in an anti-virtuous mode of mind resentfully sewing lace on a wedding dress, or cursing crotch crud in a pair of trousers that needs to be let out? Happiness is not circumstantial. It takes inner practice, just like scales on a violin. She did her morning chores, fed her animals, then started running the bath water for her morning ablutions. (Ablutions sounds like a more fairy-tale sort of word than “scrubbing her pits.”)  She thought about how Delicious it is to meditate in a bath of warm water—to lie down and feel one’s abdomen rising and falling, floating and sinking, with each breath.  She had one toe in the water when, from the next room, she could hear the two male Jack Russells getting into a difference of opinion about whose turn it was to lick a recently-emptied bowl of food. Before she could reach them, they had each other by the ears and were tearing the fur off each other.  She grabbed a towel, and threw it over them. One was hanging from the other’s neck and would not let go.  She did the only thing she could think of—she threw the whole bundle into the tub of hot water.  Eventually, sputtering with rage, one spit the other out and she was able to run, naked, wet and bloody, down the stairs to evict each snarling villian.  She took one look at the bath water laced with tendrils of blood as if there had been a miniature shark attack, drained it, and showered instead. 

Still devoted to the idea of Raising her Consciousness, she decided to listen to some Sacred Music while she made breakfast.  Perhaps she could achieve Serenity with a little multi-tasking.  Then she remembered the chickens needed water.  She dashed outside in wellie-boots and a bathrobe to water the chickens.  When it came time to leave for work, she could not locate her phone. For twenty minutes, she behaved like a deranged criminal in her own home, ripping cushions off couches, opening and slamming cupboards and drawers, dumping things, overturning things…all in quest of the damn phone.  Then she remembered. She had been listening to the music on the phone—sure enough, it had fallen in the chicken coop.  At least the chickens looked more sedate after listening to chant for twenty minutes…

Now late, her herbal-organic-hippie-crunchy granola-scented deodorant had already given out, her house was trashed and she needed another shower.  So much for her Morning Tranquility Practices! She dove into her car and sped off.  En route to work, she noticed the car in front of her was weaving all over the road.  The driver was either texting or had just dumped scalding hot coffee on her crotch.  If that car was a horse and wagon, she would feel compelled to gallop alongside it and grab the bridle and bring it to a safe stop like they do in old westerns. 

At the shop, the first Customer of the day wants ten panels of curtains hemmed. They are cheapo curtains that, straight out of the packages, are ten different lengths.  She considers trying to explain to the customer why they will never hang straight but decides to nod and keep Silent until the customer leaves.  They have not been cut on the Straight of the Goods. What is the Straight of the Goods, you ask?  It has to do with following the grain of the fabric.  Grain, as you well know, is something useful in the production of whisky. Although there is no actual barley in fabric, we do refer to “grain” as the direction of the warp and the weft in a woven fabric. The threads in a woven fabric are set up on a loom in a lengthwise and crosswise orientation. The lengthwise grain is used to lay out the garment pattern pieces. The crosswise grain runs from one selvage edge to the other.  What is selvedge? That is the hard edge that runs parallel to the grain, or warp, of your fabric, the bit you think you don’t need. If fabric were a cheese, it would be the rind.  It sounds a bit like “salvage,” which is what you are often trying to do when you have to go back and cut out pieces as close as possible to this finished edge.

To find the straight of the goods, one must either patiently pull out one of the weft threads, or, more simply, rip the fabric along the weft line. These draperies, mass-produced at some factory somewhere, have not been ripped.  They have been cut.  And not cut straight, although they masquerade as rectangles to the average eye. They are not on “the straight of the goods.” Neither is the fraying little Seamstress in this story. She gazes around the room, at all the things hanging higgledy-piggledy around the shop and begins to giggle. She is blessed with an abundant appreciation of the Ridiculous. Today’s topic is clear: Alignment. (a.k.a. “Welcome to Oh, No, Not Again!”)  Alignment is just as illusive Spiritually as it is in drapery.  She will need a Teacher.

He arrives in the form of a little boy who comes into the shop to hang out with his mother.  After he rearranges all the pins in the pincushions into fascinating geometric patterns the seamstress can not bear to disturb, they decide to let him try to sew on one of the machines.  She traces the first initial of his name on a piece of cloth and he tries to stitch over it using the machine, while her friend works the foot pedal for him.  The boy labors at this intently for some time until he manages to make something he is proud enough to take home to show his daddy. 

It occurs to her, as she watches his small, doughy, untrained hands try to manage the direction of the cloth, that the major difference between a Novice and an Expert is the number of corrections he makes.  This works for everything from bowing a fiddle tune to trying to sew a straight line.  You might think it’s that the novice has to make more corrections.  The opposite is true.  If you watch a novice attempting to sew—he will make a few large, awkward over-corrections that will result in all kinds of zigging and zagging.  The expert is making so many micro-corrections—so fast and so small—that they seem invisible to the naked eye as they are happening.  It’s like she has mental telepathy to tell the fabric where to go.  One simply cannot sew “a straight line” without thousands of adjustments.  The same is true for walking, or driving a car along a highway.   Sewing a line and being in Alignment ourselves are both progressive acts that take constant moderation and correction. People who make it look effortless are doing the exact same amount of work—just less of it more often, perhaps even constantly.

It turns out in this fairytale, that “Happily Ever After” has no “After.”  It’s just Happily Ever-ing.  It doesn’t stay as a static thing. It’s like being balanced in motion, while dancing.  When you are bashing into everything and everyone, Pause. Take a beat, not a beating. Find the Music again (check the chicken coop) and Carry On.   Happiness is a practice, as is sewing a nice straight seam.  The novice swings from wild motion to wild motion, dropping phones in chicken coops, running naked in her wellies and drowning dogs in the bath.  Gradually, she learns to align her thoughts with things that make her laugh, with tunes or friends or plans for the future that make her heart sing.  Sometimes, the fastest way to make something straight is to give it a nice, swift, clean Rip. So rip it, Dearies, Rip it Good!

Some days each of us is fighting a hard, unseen fight—Each kind thought or deed you do is a blessing to this world. So thank you for all your Good Work!

Yours aye,


From the Breakdown Lane...

“When you feel yourself breaking down, may you break open instead.” Elizabeth Lesser

Greetings Dear Ones!

For those of you who have never ridden in a commercial tow truck fully dressed in 18th Century clothing, let me just say, you are really missing out!  You must try it some time.  For a start, one is treated very differently than if one is dressed as the average Wall-mart shopper.  You will find yourself handled with the perfect blend of benevolence, humor, and gently affirming pity you have been seeking from all the wrong people your entire life. They will smile and call you ma’am a lot.  They will find you adorable and quaint, even when you are tired and crabby. The driver may even feel compelled to tell you his entire life story while he munches on the last of the period-correct wormy looking apples you offer him.

Since this blog is about “Secrets,” may I admit something?  Secretly, I Love a good Breakdown.  I’m not talking about the average, daily nervous breakdowns where I cannot locate my keys and a bride is waiting for her nine a.m. appointment and I have three minutes to make a seventeen-minute trip.  I’m talking about a hood-up, smoking-engine, leave-you-by-the-side-of-the-road-wondering-if-your-AAA-membership-dues-have-been-paid kind of Breakdown.  It reminds me of so many things that are good for my soul:

a.     I’m not as “in charge of things” as I think I am

b.    Anything can change for the better or the worse at any time

c.     People who collide with us in these moments are usually amazing teachers, whether they themselves realize it or not, whom we could not have met any other way

d.    The harder you hit bottom, the higher you bounce

e.     I am here to Learn, Laugh, and Love—the rest is just fodder for the stories around the business of That

I drive a 2006 Subaru Forester which is turning out to be as fickle as a pet cat that has decided it wants to live at the neighbor’s house.  Only, this car wants to live at the local Auto Repair Shop with its mechanic friend, Eddy.  Lately, it has been giving me fantastic opportunities for the Growth of My Soul—especially on Tuesdays, when my soul does not fancy a growth spurt.

The most recent Opportunity for a Fantastic Breakdown occurs on Saturday, a sparkling but breezy day in Salem, Massachusetts. My inner child is happy that she gets to have play-date with her friends—to dress-up and have a tea party while entertaining Visitors at the National Park Site of the Derby House.  We are re-enacting a political protest against the Townshed Acts, demonstrating a 1769 spinning bee that was one of the first “Buy Local” campaigns in this country.  Interested visitors stop by from Japan and Idaho and we talk and teach and spin bobbins full of lustrous roving into yarn.  But it has been a long afternoon in the sun, and our caps and kerchiefs have argued vigorously with the stiff breeze coming in off the water, leaving our cheeks glowing warmly. My Inner Child is now tired, thirsty, ever so slightly cranky, and wants to go home.  We have at least a three-hour ride ahead of us because we have agreed to give a Dear Lady a lift to her home in New Hampshire.  She is the renowned authoress of Fitting and Proper (the universally recognized authority on American 18th Century clothing) and the revered Grand Dame, the Matriarch of this event.   I can’t believe my luck that I get hours with her in the car, all to myself, to discuss, well, Everything.  She is an endless, fascinating Buffet Feast of ideas, history, information, and opinions.  But her feet hurt her now and her inner child is as anxious to get home as mine.

We bid farewell to our Charming Hostess, Lady Park Ranger Extraordinare, and set off in our caps and bonnets, the car piled high with spinning wheels and basketry, in search of the nearest gas station.  We locate one twelve miles away. (Apparently, the good citizens of Salem have no need of more convenient petrol for their motor vehicles.  Perhaps Broomsticks don’t require it?) Once at the station, we realize that I have left my wallet back at the site.   Much to my mortification, back we head, on the twelve mile quest for the wallet.  Lady Fitting & Proper could not be more gracious.  “We just get more time to chat!” she says brightly.

Approximately 30 minutes later, we are back en route, only to rush headlong into stopped traffic.  “Yay,” we say with gritty smiles, “More time to chat!”  We sweep from century to century--domestic issues, women’s issues, political issues—from Romania to Scotland, from the plight of the Irish in 1850 to the experience of the Ashkenazi Jews post World War II, then back to pottery and why Indigo fracks and leaves your legs blue when you sweat in a new pair of jeans… For the most part, we are oblivious to the traffic beeping and creeping all around us.  Where Route 128 meets Route 95 North, we decide that heading quickly in the Slightly Wrong Direction will be more fun than being at a stand-still in the Right Direction, so we head north with speed and relief.   Later, we decide to take a small country road west to cut over to 93 North, the road we really want to be on—as we are now heading too close to the coast.  It is a beautiful day and we agree that country roads are definitely the Way to Go.  We appreciate and comment on center chimneys, timber framing, lintels and mullions and the vestiges of 18th Century we architecture we discern as we pass through a series of Classic New England country vignettes.  In the center of one of these little Christmas Cards in summer, we roll to a stop at a light and the engine dies.  There is a vague smell of something burning.  The local citizenry of New Hampshire begin honking their horns and zooming past us in frustration when the light turns green for a second time.  I get out and lift the hood and flash the hazard lights.

It immediately occurs to me that we cannot underestimate the role of clothing in these pageants.  Being stranded by the side of the road in clothing from the 1760’s has as much impact on the plot as watching an adaptation of Shakespeare’s “As You Like It” performed in 1920’s attire.  Had we been dressed in furry flip-flops and baggy, stained T-shirts—or pin-striped business suits, who knows what might have happened next? Clothing plays an enormous role in how we are interpreted and treated by others.   “Whatsa-matta lady? Lose your horses?” says the passing driver of a pick-up truck who thinks he is the funniest person he’s met all day.

I decide to pretend I am excited about how this trip is turning out—that each new development is a Delightful Surprise, despite its obvious departure from the Script I had envisioned. 

The next person stops and gets out.  He helps me jump start the car so we can get it off the road.  He is extremely helpful, deferential, and polite, though wide-eyed with wondering.  “Are ya’ll Amish?” he wants to know.

The next Delightful Surprise is the arrival of a police cruiser. I approach his open window in my dusty cap and gown and say, “Excuse me officer. I’m afraid our Time Machine has broken down. It was set to take us to the Future, where we will be snug in our own houses, putting our feet up and having refreshing cups of cool Mint tea.  Unfortunately, it broke down here. And now we are Stuck in This Moment until something changes.” He smirks (but in a kind way) and radios for back-up. “By the way,” I continue, “we are NOT Amish.  We are just Perfectly Ordinary people who like to spin wool and talk to tourists.” He looks at my vehicle, packed with spinning wheels and fleece and just nods.  “Have you called Triple A?” he wants to know.  “Yes, sir,” I have.  They are sending someone within the hour.

I find the best Adventures are where we are not just wet but Soaked, not just sad but Miserable, not just happy but Ecstatic—then we know we have Lived through something and get to tell about it later. Each moment in such a drama is an actress’s chance to decide how she will play the scene—a golden opportunity to Define Herself:  Will there be tears and melodrama? Or Cool Grace? Hissing, growling, and exposing of middle digits to passersby who shout comments about the lack of horses to these two “Amish” ladies? (We AREN’T AMISH, damn it! Though I kinda wish we were… I would vastly prefer a horse and buggy to this dented hunk of metal steaming vaguely in the haze.)

After an interminable wait in the hot car, during which our dismal choices are open windows, cool air, and Bugs (So many bugs!)—or sealed windows, no air, and no bugs—a taxi and a tow truck arrived simultaneously.  The lucky cab driver gets the pleasure of Lady F&P’s conversation and I haul my calico ass up into the cab of the tow truck where I am met with clumps of dog hair and the tales of a Jolly Philosopher whose nickname is “Banana.” His girlfriend’s name is “Monkey.” (I am NOT making this up!) His air conditioner is broken so we eat apples and bugs for the next ninety minutes while he shares his Views on Things.  He talks about losing his first wife to a tragic brain bleed and having his second wife throw all his worldly possessions out into the street when she was pissed off with him… “Women are tricky…” he says, shaking his head. He looks at the road for a mile and then announces “but anyone who ever loved me has changed me for the better.”

That’s it. That’s my take-away.  That makes the whole trip, the whole breakdown, worth it for that sentence.  Monkey is a lucky gal.

At home, finally, I think about the metaphysical journey we are all sharing. There are no fears and no failures worth dwelling in—there are only our Feelings (a.k.a. the Internal GPS), which we must heed as we might heed the rumble strips on the side of the road, that indicate we are veering off course.  These rumble strips signal a lapse in alignment with our true path, that we must make an immediate adjustment.  We are not meant to dwell in the breakdown lane—no more than we would drive for miles with the wheels making that awful racket, while saying “oh, let’s just turn the radio up so we can’t hear it.  Let’s eat or drink or smoke or slap up our credit cards until that dreadful noise goes away…” No!  We simply redirect the vehicle to the center of the road.  Nor do decide to park the car and say, “Well, I guess we live here now!” when we have a breakdown.  We know we are not Home; we know we must do what it takes to get ourselves fixed so that we can keep moving forward.  This means we must ask for and wait for Help.  We must accept what is available. We must be patient and willing to do or pay whatever it takes.  In these moments, we come to understand our own Willingness to continue the journey.  In Surrender, even passengers become Participants.  And if we are Dressed Well in clothes of our own making, so much the better!

No matter what happens to us, Life is pretty much how we imagine it to be. The Miracle just keeps evolving and unfolding each day. Sometimes we are on the Right Path and we just break down anyway.  Maybe so that we can be reminded about what Love it. And that’s a Very Good Thing. Lucky, lucky us!

Be well, my Darlings! Dress your best, whatever that is.  Who knows what adventures await? And May anyone who loves us change us for the better!

Yours Aye,


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The perfect gift for Gentle Men...

ELIZA: What's this for?

Professor HIGGINS: To wipe your eyes. To wipe any part of your face that feels moist. Remember, that's your handkerchief and that's your sleeve. Don't confuse one with the other, if you want to become a lady in a shop.  From “My Fair Lady”

 Greetings Dear Ones!

We can tell by the sudden increase in Golfing memorabilia, Fishing memes, and Fart Jokes on Greeting cards that Father’s Day is rolling around again—It’s pretty much the only time of year that the rest of us ever shop at Cabella’s, right?   If a being from outer space were to try to assemble an idea of Fatherhood from the greeting card section of the local shops, they might think fathers are a rather flatulent, poorly groomed subset of humanity, whose recreational rituals revolve around drinking beer while sitting in a boat, or playing some complicated sequence of swing, smash, and waddle that involves metal clubs and cursing at sand pits.  Actual Children don’t seem to enter the picture at all. In fact, why anyone would leave such creatures in charge of their own offspring for an afternoon (or mate with them in the first place) boggles the mind.

Yet these are the very people we expect to teach our sons (and daughters) how true Gentlemen behave.  Let’s step up our game here, people! This Father’s Day, don’t buy into this low-bar image of the men in our lives.  They ARE better and they deserve better!  Want a gift that is simple, classy, elegant and gross all rolled into one? Want the perfect gift for Dad? How about an old-fashioned handkerchief? A nice one.  (I know one father in particular who will be damn lucky to be getting bread and water on Father’s Day! More on this later.)  Maybe you could even take a square of linen, put a neat little rolled hem around the edge and make it yourself!  The poet Emerson says “Rings and jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts. The only gift is a portion of thyself. Thou must bleed for me. Therefore the poet brings his poem; the shepherd, his lamb; the farmer, corn; the miner, a stone; the painter, his picture; the girl, a handkerchief of her own sewing.”   Anne Sullivan Macy did not share his sentiments about this one bit, saying “I'd rather break stones on the king's highway than hem a handkerchief.” It’s true—a fine, rolled hem is an act of exquisite and torturous love.  But we digress.

Forget Swiss army knives and nostril-hair trimmers that double as a bottle openers. A Handkerchief is the ultimate in multi-use gadgets.  It’s not just for boogers. It functions as a first-aid kit, a mop, a temporary diaper, a dust mask, a sun hat, a signaling device, a water filtration system, a protective collection point for seashells, and something to hand to anyone sitting through “Steel Magnolias” for the umpteenth time.   When it is not doing any of these things, it should be crisp and clean and folded into a nice, neat little square.   Maybe Dad even needs two. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when school children were required to have a clean handkerchief at all times, their mothers often gave them two—“one for show and one for blow” so that they would always be able produce a clean one at inspection time.

Only since Kleenex did a bang-up marketing campaign, telling us “don’t carry a cold in your pocket” have handkerchiefs become unpopular and passé.  But they are making a comeback. True gentlemen have never been without them since the Romans began carrying them in 1000 BC.  They were mostly used to mop sweat but quickly became status symbols of the wealthy.  Our modern word “handkerchief” actually means a small “kerchief” used by the hand.  Kerchief comes from the French couvrir, which mean “to cover” and chef, which means “head.”  Handkerchiefs even figure in Shakespearian plays like Cymbeline, As You Like It, and most dramatically in Othello, when a misunderstanding over a handkerchief causes Othello to murder his wife Desdemona and then himself.

 For me, a handkerchief is the very symbol of gentlemanly grace and adaptive masculinity that I associate with my own father. Countless times in my life I have witnessed him reaching into his pocket for the clean, neatly folded handkerchief he always carries. When I was twelve, it became my job to iron them. Usually, on the occasions the handkerchief emerged, it was to staunch the blood or tears of someone who had bumped up against one of the harder edges of Life.  In childhood, I saw it dabbed on all our skinned knees that had abandoned bicycles in mid-flight, and for any of the many little leaks he sprung working on the fences around the farm.  He would come in for lunch with a finger or two wrapped in white, a slowly spreading red circle in the middle.  “Fence bit me,” he’d mutter disgustedly.  He was always “springing a leak” he would say and needed a constant supply of these tiny tourniquets in the field.  Whether we were leaking from our eyes or from our knees, that handkerchief was there—an instantly-produced symbol of organized Calm, the ability to absorb Whatever Happens and Make It Better.  Is there anything more Heroic and Masculine than that?   


Two bright-eyed little girls stand by my table as I sew.  They have accompanied their father on his errands today, to give their mother a break.  They are three-years-old and six. The father goes into the dressing room to try on an old suit that he wants updated (i.e. cuffs and pleats removed, legs tapered and hemmed, jacket made tighter and sleeves shortened) in the hopes of riding the fashion train one more stop before he gets off forever.  The six year old confides with a roll of her eyes that their family has been invited to TWO birthday parties and a graduation party and it’s Father’s Day this weekend. “I just don’t know how I am going to cope with it all!” she says dramatically, in a way that tells me she is mimicking some Older Female she knows.

“Are you doing anything special for your Daddy on Father’s day?” I want to know. The little one nods emphatically, then looks to the older one for confirmation and further details. The older one just shrugs. “I don’t know what to do,” she says blithely.

“Well,” I say, trying to be helpful, “What does your daddy like?”

“Wock and Woll” pipes up the little one.

“Can you learn one of the songs he likes and sing it to him?” I ask.

They shake their heads.  That’s too hard. Besides, where are they going to find a decent cover band, on their budget, at this late stage of the game? They only have a few days left. They look at each other like I am crazy.

“Could you sing him a different song? What songs do you know?” I ask. I am really pushing the music thing here, which they dismiss again.

“No, Daddy does not need more songs.”  We wrack our brains some more. 

“Is there a special treat you could make him to eat?” I ask. “Some daddys like to get the newspaper and some breakfast in bed on Father’s Day.  Would your daddy like that?”

Suddenly they brighten.  “We have SO much Bread!” shrieks the little one, as if she has just discovered Plutonium. 

“Yes,” decides the six-year-old thoughtfully, “we Could give him bread to eat.  And butter.  We could put some butter on the bread and give him bread and butter for breakfast.” Then she cups her hands closely around her mouth and whispers in a stage whisper loud enough to cause a breeze to flutter the dresses hanging nearby, “But IT HAS TO BE A SECRET!  HE MUST NOT FIND OUT!!!”  They put their fingers over their lips and they look as though they are water balloons swelling up, ready to pop.  Their eyes are glowing jewels.  They can’t wait for it to be Father’s Day now.

“Maybe you could draw him a picture, or make a little card, to go with the bread and butter,” I add, going too far, as I always do.  They deflate a little. Why do I keep suggesting all these things that feel like Work?

“Naw…” says the older one. “Bread and butter is good.  He doesn’t need more STUFF.” She acts like she works for Marie Kondo, seeking to eliminate unnecessary clutter from his life.

“Ok,” I say, trying again, “How about a drink. Does he get anything to wash down the bread and butter? Some coffee maybe? Or tea?”

“We can’t make coffee,” says the little one, sadly. “We aren’t allowed to touch it because it is so hot.”  Then she beams. A new thought has landed under all those pretty curls. “We can give him water!  We know how to make water.”

“Yes,” says his authoritative eldest daughter. “He’ll get bread and butter and water.”

Suddenly, I cannot stop giggling.  Something about her definitive Decree makes me think she is talking about a prisoner on ward five, not her father.

“Do you like your father?” I ask. They both hop like little frogs.  They LOVE their daddy.  Oh, SO Much—not quite enough to go to all the trouble of saying it with Crayola, music or markers—but with immense joy none-the-less. “What’s the best thing about your daddy?” I want to know.  The little one’s answer melts me to tears:

“He just bees with us. That’s all.” That’s ALL indeed.  He just bees. BE in present tense—“Someone is going to have to straighten her out,” says Prudence, desperate to correct that charming habit children have of regularizing irregular verbs. I refuse to correct her. I dab at my eyes and smile at these children who spell Love as T-I-M-E.

Their father emerges from his fitting in the dressing room looking harried and sweaty. It’s hot in the shop today. He comes to stand by the girls.  He smiles fondly and asks them if they have been behaving. They begin bouncing again as they each take one of his hands.

I think about them for the rest of the day.  Mothers have to do so much to be “good” mothers.  To be a great dad, really all one has to do is BE there, really there, with your kids.  Some men find this easy and they do a whole lot of other great stuff as well. Some men find it difficult to show up at all—sometimes just Being There is still too much.  I feel sad for these men and all they miss. I feel sad for their children who miss them.

Later, when I get to that father’s suit, sure enough… inside the left breast pocket, tucked away neatly is a clean white handkerchief.  I smile. If his little girls forget to bring him a napkin with his bread and butter and water feast, he’ll be all set. With that square twelve inches of cloth, he’s ready for anything Fatherhood can throw at him.

I feel incredibly lucky to have a father who has Been There so much for me in my life. I feel blessed that my children have a wonderful father who adores them and has never failed to support them to the best of his ability. To all the men who do such an amazing job of Being There for their children, other people’s children, the mothers of their children… I say Thank You. I will make, mend, or iron your handkerchiefs any time!

With so much love & gratitude, I wish you all the Happiest of Father’s Days and all the Bread and Butter and Water you can handle.

Yours aye,



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What's For You...

“what’s for ye canna get past ye” –Scottish Proverb

Greetings Dear Ones!

In a time long ago and far away, there lived a woman who loved to sew. She worked hard in the Kingdom of Chaos to serve the Prince and Princess in her care. They were being “Home” schooled—which, naturally, meant they were NEVER home, so she dragged all manner of knitting and hand-stitching with her in bags and baskets wherever she went—to swimteam practice, to art class, to music lessons, even to friends’ houses where it was hoped the royal duo could socialize appropriately and not one day turn out “weird.”  Everyone who saw her knew she loved to sew. The kingdom had a neighbor two doors down who was known for having a squeaky pool motor.  (Apparently, the intervening neighbor could not rest comfortably in his hammock in the back yard without this pool motor driving him into homicidal rages against chipmunks.)

 One day, just as the Woman who Loved to Sew was heading out the door and bellowing for the Prince to find his shoes, Mr. Squeaky Pool Motor showed up asking her if she would like a job removing the buttons from about three thousand polo shirts and stitching the neck openings closed.  He thought that because she loved to sew, she might enjoy endlessly snipping buttons off shirts. He had just landed a contract to provide uniforms to a local cereal manufacturer whose employees were not allowed to wear buttons in the factory case they fell off and got into the product (where, presumably, they would be indistinguishable from the rest of the cereal). He would pay her. “Pay? she thought, “what a funny concept.  Imagine getting paid to sew!” She tried to do a few but it did not work out.  She was not home enough. She was not organized enough. It was tedious work.   With a huge sigh of relief, she soon advised him to find another seamstress who could manage this project better.

Time went on, as it does, and the Kingdom of Chaos collapsed and the Prince and Princess went off to real schools in the real world—or perhaps they were fake schools in a fake world, who can really tell? And the Woman Who Loved To Sew found herself unemployed.  A woman she did not know phoned her. “A friend of yours has told me you love to sew and I need to employ someone who needs to sew. Do you think you are interested?”  She was.  She began to work and was paid to sew and she liked it all very much indeed.  Then, one day, on her desk was a pile of shirts.  Her instructions were to cut off all the buttons and to sew the bottom part of the neck openings shut.  She paused. She recognized these shirts.  She looked at the other women in the shop.  “Did these come from Mr. Squeaky Pool Motor?” she enquired. “Why yes, do you know him?  He is one of our regular clients. We do all the uniform altering for an entire factory through him. He brings these shirts by the bale and we handle them.”

The Woman Who Loved to Sew gazed at the mountain of shirts resembling an ugly red tide of seaweed on her desk.  She thought of the Scot’s proverb “wha’s for ye canna get past ye.”  She slumped as she realized she was living out some version of a Greek Tragedy—where she could never escape her Fate. Later that day, after hours of Purgatorial snippings of buttons and stitching the bottom inch of the necks closed, Mr. Squeaky Pool Motor— that cheeky wing-footed messenger to the Damned, showed up to collect the shirts.  He was delighted to see her. “Are you employee of the month yet?” he joked.

In my lifetime, I have found time and time again that the work we are meant to do Finds Us, no matter how we think we are evading it. So too do Blessings find us when we least expect them.  I am desperate to believe in the notion of Free Will—I cannot see how True Love could exist without it—but there are definitely some freaky coincidences that make me feel like we might be just the dice game of  bored gods.  The journey we think we are taking is really a dance going on between what we Think We Want and what we Must Have—the Entwined serpents of perfectionism and endangerment, oscillating  between fidelity and rupture—as we become both the knife and our own wound.  We try to choose wisely, thinking Choice Matters.  Sometimes we have no idea how to orient ourselves except by the tags inside our clothes. (Hint: they go to the back.)

Perhaps versions of this story have happened to you? One day you realize that nothing is really working in your life…that just because you are still breathing does not mean that you are actually Alive. You feel tempted to do more of the same, only longer, harder, faster, better—but you realize that that is the definition of Insanity so you attempt to try something Completely Different. Only that does not work either; just because we are doing something “different” does not mean we are doing anything Right.  Then you find yourself back where you began, only so much worse.

It would be far easier if the Universe provided clear signs, Unmistakable Biblical Omens—like burning bushes or flaming chariots to tell us we are on to the Right Thing. But no… Listening to the internal GPS of the soul is infinitely more tricky and nuanced. I get a lot of “recalculating route… you are approaching a slow-down ahead…you are not on the fastest route…”  Sometimes I have to say my prayers and just lie down and wait.  I know the thing I am looking for is also looking for me. If I am truly meant to do or be or have something, it is also meant to have me.

I am not a fatalist but I recognize that there is a Dance going on in this universe we inhabit. I realize there are ways to ask for what we really want that make it more likely we will get it.  I look to my teachers.  (My teachers are anyone who is near.) This spring, one of my best teachers was a young girl who bought a prom gown from us.  It was a gown that had been hanging in the shop for nearly two years.  It had come to us via a sad story and we had agreed to sell it off to recoup a debt.   It was not an easy-to-sell color or size.  It hung, like a headless, bodiless spectre of Prom all year in its corner.  We tried to sell it off to brides, girls celebrating their Quincineras, or Bat Mitzvahs, you name it.  No one would take it.  I thought of tucking it surreptitiously into people’s bags and padding their bills with a mysterious charge of $300 just to get rid of the thing.  It never worked.  It seemed like we would be haunted by that dress for all eternity.

Then one day, a girl came in with her boyfriend who was having his tux altered for the Prom.  I asked if she had her dress yet. “No,” she said, “I’m looking for a specific color and style. I haven’t found it yet. I’m not even sure where to look…”

 “This color?” I ask, pulling forth The Dreaded Gown.

“YES!!!” she cried. “that’s IT!”

“Try it on,” I insisted, nearly ripping it from its hanger.  “You are just the right size too.”

She put it on and it was PERFECT.  It did not even need to be hemmed!  It was like it was made for her and it had just waited patiently all those years and months, for her to come along and claim it.  “I can’t believe this is a brand new Sherry Hill dress for so little money!” She said. She called her mother who came to see the dress immediately. They both agreed it was a good deal.    However, even at the reduced price, it wasn’t money they had readily to hand. So the girl came back every week during prom season with another few crumpled bills of the money she was earning to pay for the dress.   As I watched her process of Manifestation unfolding, I noticed that she did the following things:

1.      She was Clear. She knew exactly what she wanted.

2.    She Believed. She Understand that she could have it.

3.    She Asked. What does this require? How much money? How will I get this money? What sort of work must I do?

4.    She Responded. She got into action around it to work, earn, show up and pay weekly.

5.     She Released.  She Trusted. She knew we would not sell it to anyone else while she made her payments; she simply connected with the emotions of Joyful anticipation.   

6.    She Recognized immediately that it was “hers” because she had been looking for it.

7.     She was Grateful.  The day she picked up her gown was one of the most delightful days in the shop all season. She was effusive with her thanks and gratitude.

One of the things that impressed me the most was the consistent Belief and Determination in one so young. Mommy and Daddy did not come in and write out a check.  Yet, she felt Deserving.  She honored herself and her dress by earning the money and coming in each week to pay off a little more of the dress.  She managed to give herself exactly the dress she had always wanted for her Prom. I was deeply humbled by her lessons. 

What’s for us cannot get past us.  But sometimes we have to know how to hunt it down and bring it gently to heel.  Sometimes we have to choose to work, carefully, intelligently, consistently to get what we think we want. Getting into Alignment with our needs and wants and desires, rather than living out comic-tragedies resulting from a series of reactions caused by our own Blindness requires a series of conscious choices.  The range of what we want and think and do is limited mostly by what we fail to notice.  How many other girls never saw that dress hanging there for half price? How open are we? Can we observe what is around us mindfully, with a willingness to be changed by what we find?

I adore stories, myths, and legends. But I have found that Words alone do not teach.  (If you have ever attempted to domesticate human teenagers in captivity, you know this to be true.)  Words merely resonate with those who have experienced the same things.  Words remind us of where we have been—not where we can go.

Fate seems willing to give us all we deserve. We just have to remain Connected to our Source and turned to the “On” position—like lamps that won’t glow, or sewing machines that won’t work unless they are plugged in to power. As long as we stay AWAKE, we know our needs will be met. Even if we have no idea exactly what they are.

Be well my Darlings!  Get plugged in, somehow, to the source of your Love & Energy, your Hope & Happiness. May your Good Work, Good Things, and Good Love find you easily today!

Yours aye,


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Hemming (and Hawing...)

“Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.” 
Mark Twain

 Greetings Dear Ones!

Before we begin, forgive me, but I must ask… Is there not some better use for your time right now?  Is there something you are putting off doing? Shouldn’t you be mowing something, sorting something, or color-coordinating something? Is your electric bill paid? At the very least, maybe you should be exploring that junk drawer in the kitchen and asking yourself why you have so many dry-wall screws, mystery keys, and rubber bands IN A KITCHEN, for heaven’s sakes! Seriously…What gruesome little chores are you escaping through your feigned interest in stitch-witchery and sheep dung?  

Don’t feel bad if reading this blog is your form of procrastinating.  I’ll let you in on a little secret:  I too am Procrastinating RIGHT NOW! PRO-crastination.  Whatever “Crastination” is, I’m all for it!  Especially if it means I can put off removing all the skin dander from this man’s jeans for a few more moments. What do Mr. I’ve-been-on-Keto-for fifteen-days, Ms. I-just-discovered-hot-yoga and Mr. I-just-had-a-bypass-and-got-close-enough-to-mortality-to-smell-it’s-breath have in common?  Between the three of them, they have no less than 27 pairs of jeans that have to be taken in at the waist and tapered all the way through the seat—through all those many yards of decorative top-stitching that is such a pain in the arse to remove and never looks right again no matter how we try to replicate it.  So this is a marvelous distraction from that…

I have been meaning to write about Procrastination for some time now; I just haven’t gotten around to it. If the good citizens of the Land of Procrastination ever got their act together enough to elect a Queen, it would probably be me. And, honored though I would be, I probably would arrive late to the coronation. No one knows more than I about the fine arts of Procrastination. I have been known to sit down and knit an entire sock just hours before hosting a sit-down dinner for forty people, with not so much as a carrot in sight. I could never get as much slacking done if I wasn’t also capable of extreme efficiency occasionally. 

Ever since I wrote an entire college Honor’s Thesis in less than 75 hours (straight through two nights) thirty years ago, I have been telling myself I need to get a handle on my habits around Procrastination. Soon. Well, Someday…. The Good News is that this habit, maladaptive as it is, has served me well.  I almost always manage to get away with it.  It allows me to front-load my life with a myriad of things I don’t really want to be doing, and still get the Big Stuff done too. Mostly. Except when it doesn’t.  But the steep price I pay is chronic anxiety.  The inversion of “Playing first” and “working later” means that the playing never actually feels like playing.  It comes with a bitter side-dish of guilt.

People scoff and say “You? Procrastinate? Tosh! You’re the busiest person I know!”  Well, ladies and gentlemen, that’s because I am also the sneakiest. Sneaky procrastinators look the busiest. It’s one of the ways we manage to get out of having you dare to ask us to do more.  I tried to get a jumpstart on this Blog last night but instead trolled Ebay for green Doc Martens, juggled the emotional, spiritual, and physical needs of three elderly incontinent Jack Russells, spun some alpaca fur, and tried to remember a fiddle tune I learned three weeks ago.  Then I decided to “Get Serious.” This means I ate all the lime gelato in the freezer because “I work best when I am not hungry.” Then I decided to have a nap because “I work better when I am fully rested.”  Then I decided to go mend the fence where the sheep keep escaping because “I work better when they aren’t trampling my Iris patch and devouring the Rhubarb” (which is toxic to them).  (I definitely work better when I am not having to call the Vet!)  And so it went…. I carefully and thoroughly made all the Appropriate Adjustments so that I could bring you My Very Best Work. Finally, all conditions were Prime. But I was exhausted.  So I went to bed.  After all, I definitely write better in the Morning…

Why do we procrastinate? (Admit it, you’re still at it right now!) Is it because we are just total Slackers? That we don’t give a hoot about these things that we say “Really Matter” to us? Is Prudence right? Is this just a dismaying lack of Moral Fiber? As I decide to have more tea before tackling a wedding gown encrusted with beads that must come off, one by one, I realize it’s not that we don’t care enough—it’s that we care far too much. Fear is at the heart of what is shutting us down:

·        Fear of Failure—what if I cannot do this?  What if I take all the beads off this dress and never get them back on the same way?  What if I make this woman resemble a tube of toothpaste that has been squeezed too hard at both ends? What if this ruins her whole wedding and she never gets the chance to take that honeymoon in Aruba and swim with the dolphins and she spends the rest of her life hating me for it?

·        Fear of Decision Making—there are a number of ways I can tailor this dress—which one is going to have the best outcome? How do we define the “best” outcome anyway?  Best for whom? Is this woman going to regain the weight she lost and want this let back out in six months? When is the actual date of this wedding? Should I not cut anything before the next fitting?

·        Fear of Success—If I do a good job at [whatever this wretched task is], am I going to be assigned to [this wretched task] forever more? Will I be the new Queen of Wretched tasks? Will word spread and Peasants drag forth all manner of Wretched Tasks from their wardrobes and bring them and lay them at my feet, hoping I will do them perfectly, cheerfully, and in a timely manner? Will I never do anything else? (I think this is why my mother refused to learn to drive the tractor…)

·        Equating Self-worth with the quality of work—If I do a bad job, I myself am Bad. Yep, here’s the proof.  If I cannot make your awkward neckline curve around your lobsided cleavage just the way you want it, I have Failed as a human being.  No amount of donating to Habitat for Humanity will save me now.  It’s over. I’m done. I might as well take off RUNNING with these scissors until I come to the sticky end I deserve.

·        Focusing on the Outcome instead of the Process—Instead of thinking “I’m so lucky! I love to sew and there is an endless amount of sewing to be done in this magical shop where people bring us more to do all the time,” I count prom dresses and moan “Two hundred and twenty!! Are you out of your mind?! We could encircle New England with that much horsehair braid alone…We can’t do that many!!!” (But we DID—and not all of them at the last minute.)

·        Not equating the emotional impulses of Now with consequences to the Future Self—I tried to raise my children to self-moderate in ways that made them kinder to their future selves.  I remember trying to explain to The Son that getting his school project done early, instead of going fishing with his friend, would make his future self grateful. “Future Son is not going to be happy when he comes home and has to do all this work when he is tired and full of bug bites.  What do you think is the best choice?” He looked right at me and said, “Nah…screw him. He’ll figure it out. That’s his problem!” Hmmm….I wonder where he learned THAT?

I’m Curious. Why do we consistently choose Sabotage over self-regulation?  (“Simple,” says Inner Child, “Because it means we get to eat the ice cream first!” “Because you are Fallen, Wicked,” says Prudence.)  Why attempt to change the cycle of Avoidance-Anxiety-Shame now?  It’s been familiar and predictable, despite the whopping toll in Alka-seltzer bills.  I don’t believe it’s a mere case of Will-Power vs. Resistance. I have proved to myself many times that I DO have will-power. I have hiked mountains, run several half-marathons, and once even learned an entire fiddle tune in the key of F.  I’ve even managed to keep this blog going until this morning…Though I am willing to concede that my sense of “Time Management” is, um… Optimistic at best.

One of the lies I tell myself is that I work best “under pressure.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Few things are as stressful as having a customer watch me thread a needle and then poke myself in the thumb and bleed all over her clothes because I am in a rush to give her stuff that is not quite done. 

What is it that is really at the core of my Resistance?  (Any time there is a Good Thing you know you ought to be doing yet you find yourself Not Doing It, there is Resistance at work.) It’s not the type of activity that makes the difference; I can find ways to procrastinate about anything!  It’s about the sense of Alignment I feel while I am doing it. Unconditional Love is what creates for me the path of Least Resistance.  When I release all those fears listed above and embrace a sense of Love for what I am doing (and who I am doing it for), I open up into a creative flow that jump starts momentum until I can’t wait to get on with it.  I know this sounds corny.  Here is where Prudence jumps in with one of her sermons on the need for “Sacrifice.” Sacrifice, it turns out, has the same root as the word Sacred. It is what we consciously forgo when we release whatever is standing in the way of us getting closer to what is Sacred.  I’m pretty sure that means making us feel Lighter, Stronger, Freer, and even More Creative and Productive—but without the customary last minute Panic Attack.  

What if We Who Procrastinate could just take a moment to gather ourselves in and ask what our Resistance is requiring from us?  (Hint: It’s probably not more cookies, shoes, or booze…) Is it that we are not loving ourselves as we love others? Are we being perfectionistically impossible for ourselves to deal with? Who wants to work for a tyrant, especially the one in your own head?  Is it that we don’t the love others? (especially if they have a tendency to buy pants with too much top-stitching?)  How can we listen to the needs of the various parts of ourselves to rest or to rejoice, in order to renew our commitment to our mission? When we know what to do AND WE DO IT—great things happen.  Joy ensues. Magic Manifests.   

On the Bright Side, not everyone Procrastinates: My co-worker’s daughter texted yesterday to say that she had gotten through her fourteen day diet plan in about four hours. Good for her!

Well, the fun’s over.  Time to get back to work! (after I check my email, of course, then the phone to see if anyone has texted me during the intervening seven minutes since I last checked it!) Be well my Dearies!  Love yourself to itty-bitty-bits today!  Your work will be so much the better for it.

Yours aye,


P.S. You didn’t actually think I would get a blog about Procrastinating out on Time, did you?

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Just Do Your Best...

Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.”

– Maya Angelou

 Greetings Dear Ones!

As so often happens here in New England, we no sooner get finished shoveling away the last of the snow, go in to warm up by the fire, then head back to the shed for more wood only to discover that the lilacs have bloomed without warning, the grass needs mowing, and the humidity has turned one’s hair to candy floss that birds want to rip right out of your head and use as nesting material.  (Ok, maybe that last bit is just me…) (But yes, it really happened!) You know you really need to condition your hair when a determined little Tufted Titmouse won’t let you sew outside without pestering you for home goods! Mother Nature seems as good at shifting gears as a sixteen-year-old attempting to drive a Standard transmission for the first time—we have jumped from first gear to high gear and totally ground up the clutch.

In the shop, Prom season is finally winding down, even if the Seamsters aren’t.  (We are still wound up over all the weddings!) June 1st is the last prom and all of the gowns are finished, if not picked up yet.  That just leaves the last minute “malfunctions” to hurdle as they come and then we can close the book on another season. The place looks a little bombed out without all the gowns. We couldn’t possibly have more residual glitter in every conceivable crevice if we had tucked a hand grenade in Tinkerbell’s knickers and pulled the pin.  We are still finding it in our food, in our cars, and on our pillows at night when we go home to sleep. A friend who crafts and sews observes “Glitter is like the Clap of crafting. Once you have it; you can never get rid of it.”  It’s even going home on the suits we tailor for men—men who probably assume all their work was done by pixies.

In addition to weddings, we are starting to get back to more “normal” alterations. (Hint: There is No Such Thing As Normal!)  A woman presents me with her favorite pair of pants.  “I need you to help these pants survive until this kind of waistline comes back in fashion so I can buy more.  It’s neither too high nor too low.  They don’t make them like this right now.”  Prudence nods her head—right now the waistlines on women’s garments are as uncertain as the creek levels in Spring. I look at her trousers. They are black and nicely made.  The fabric looks exhausted and the seams stretched to the point of looking perforated but I don’t immediately perceive anything that requires mending.  Everything just looks frail and strained. I hold them up to the light and daylight streams through certain areas.   She points to two spots immediately below the crotch where the fabric is especially thin. “See here? Chub Rub,” she states flatly. “Any cure for that?  I can’t bear to have that wear right through.”  I offer to patch them but she doesn’t think that will look very good.  “What would you like me to do?” I ask. “Just Do Your Best, Honey,” she says briskly, “You’re the professional.  I’m sure you’ll think of something.”  The brat in me longs to stick her tongue out at the lady as she turns to go. I HATE being told to “do my best.”  Why? Because as a somewhat anxious and sensitive person, I have no idea where that particular goal line is.  When have I arrived? I want to know. “Never,” says Prudence. Am I even Close? “No,” says Prudence.  I slump.

Next in is a fast-talking young man who needs his garment ready in less than three days.   Six months ago, the last time we saw him, we were altering his suit so he could chauffer limousines.  Today, he has the ceremonial robes of a minister and the sleeves are about four inches too long.  How is this newly-minted leader of a flock going to reach the hearts and wallets of his devoted followers without his beautifully expressive hands showing by Friday? The sleeves are long and complicated with huge cuffs that extend to the elbow and are embedded in the outer seam of the sleeve.  “I know it’s a rush job,” he says, “Just Do Your Best.” 

In the corner, is an former nun who wants the sleeves shortened on a Talbot’s jacket.  We can’t turn up the sleeves from the bottom because the button holes are cut.  We cannot take it up at the shoulder because it will narrow the top of the sleeve too much to accommodate the circumference of her upper arm.  “Just do your best,” she says piously, as if she is assigning homework. “That’s all anyone can ask.” “Ah…” says Prudence knowingly, “But you’re asking for a wee bit more, aren’t you?”  After all, if you wanted this to look like crap, you’d try to fix it yourself, wouldn’t you?  You are here asking for MY best because you are willing to bet money (i.e. pay a fee) because you think “my best” is slightly better than your best.  We are ALL hoping that “my best” will be your dream come true.

Just do your best… What is that anyway?  I know these people.  When most say “Just do your best” what they really mean is “slide the needle on that continuum that goes from ‘anything-you-do-is-better-than-the-way-it-is-now’ as far right as you can towards ‘as-good-as-new, well-better-than-new-because-I-probably-shouldn’t-have-bought-it-in-the-first-place…”  When others say it, they mean “I still expect a miracle.  I know you have a magic wand around here somewhere.”   Sometimes, when people say “it doesn’t have to be perfect…just do your best,” they think they are giving us some ease, relieving us of some pressure.  They aren’t.  Are we supposed to believe they would actually accept mediocrity? Nope.  They won’t! “Best” is the moving target we accidentally hit after we aim for Perfect and fail.  Sometimes we have to keep rejecting and revising what seems to be our “best work” until we get something that will fly.  Sometimes we have to start over and over with no vision, no idea of any sort of Platonic Ideal, just warped shadows dancing in the firelight upon the cave wall. Sometimes we find ourselves at 3:pm with a measuring tape, humming a BeeGees melody from the 1970’s and changing the lyrics to “How deep is your crotch, how deep is your crotch, I really need to know… because we’re living in a world of fools…” because some woman has dropped off two pairs of pants that have nothing to do with each other and she wants you to make them match—or “as best you can.”

I notice a bumper sticker on my way home.  It reads, “Just Do your best and God will do the Rest.” Oh goody, I think.  I hope He knows how to use the blind-hemmer!  He’s probably back at the shop right now, trying to get the left side to match the right on that wretched little wind-breaker I “did my best” on today.    The next day, there is no evidence that any Supreme Being has done anything while I was gone. Maybe “my best” wasn’t enough to tempt the Almighty—or perhaps He has the same regard for glitter I do and fled.

“Do your best” is definitely a mantra that leads to misery because, as my beloved brother-in-law from Texas says, “You Can’t Fix Stupid.”  No…but you can watch it in action every day in a tailoring shop when people ask for the Impossible, say “the best” will do, only to find out that “the best” was not all that good in the end. But it was the Best we could do. Truly.   We are the tailoring version of the Statue of Liberty here, saying “Give us your tired (trousers), your poor (internet choices), Your huddled masses (of undergarments) yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming closet….”—we cannot guarantee “Perfick”, we only offer hope for Better.

Here are a few things I have learned from trying to “Do my Best”: 

·         Imagination is often more useful than Knowledge. 

·         Doing our Best does not always make for good sewing but it makes for Good People.  I need to do my best, even when no one else is looking.  That way, even if I am disappointed by the results, I never have to be disappointed in myself.

·         Struggling does not mean I am stupid—it might mean the task is beyond my scope. And that’s ok.

·         My Best varies from day to day—it differs according to the caffeine, sleep, exercise, and food gauges of my body, and whether or not I have spent the dawn hours trying to corral escaped sheep.  (Last week, “my best” included rolling over my own cell phone and crushing it beneath a tire I was trying to check for a puncture.)

·         My “Best” can be any combination of Real, Imperfect, Flawed, Quirky, Weird, Beautiful, or Magical…  It can also be downright awful.

·         I don’t have to be satisfied with my best.  It can be what runners call a PB—the personal best—that is next week’s target to beat. (NOT that I intend to run over multiple cell phones!!!)

·         “Best” can be a “Good Enough” place to end or it can be the pause you take before climbing higher.

Mr.  Liberated Normandy comes in to have his WWII uniform resized to fit him.  It’s a vintage thing he bought on Ebay because his own original version is unavailable for service and he doesn’t want to wear his dress uniform for the upcoming Memorial Parade.  For some reason, he wants to wear this eight- pounds-of-wool jacket that has all the wrong insignia and smells of mothballs and mold instead.  He gives us a picture of how we are supposed to make the insignia look and where the braid needs to go on the sleeves.  Naturally, he does not have the braid and has no idea where we should get it. “Just do your best,” says this Old Soldier who can no longer see.  He is the only WWII veteran left in his town.  I think of him tottering down the street in the heat on Memorial Day and all of those who gave, not just their Best, but their ALL and I am supremely Grateful. Suddenly, dealing with glitter, chub-rub, and jammed hemmers doesn’t seem all that bad.

Do your Best, my darlings, even if it’s not Good Enough. It is.

With love for your Best, your Worst, and your In-between,

Yours aye,


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In the Real World...

Greetings my Dear Ones!

Well, the bad sledding we call “Spring” continues here in New England.  Proms are going on despite lashing wind, bucketing rain, and seasonally below average temperatures. Sunday night, surrounding areas got a light dusting of SNOW—but not enough for proper sledding… The dogs and I are still crowding each other around the wood stove in the evenings.  The lambs, bless them, have wooly coats several inches long now and are quite happy bouncing around outside, impervious to the raw weather.

Another thirty gowns left the shop last week and we have called a halt to taking any more in—all we have to do is get the sixty still on the racks OUT before the mothers and fathers subsidizing this frivolous festival of fabric have to eat their weight in alka-seltzer.  Of course, Prom gowns are not all we do here—they aren’t even really the priority.  Weddings are.  Wedding Season overlaps Prom Season, as well as Graduation Season and Rip Your Pants For No Good Reason Season.  In the Feast of Absurdity that is a tailoring shop in Springtime, one portion of the plate is dedicated to Graduation gear.  Quite a number of girls are bringing multiple dresses in along with their prom gowns because they are also Seniors who are graduating.  I spent two days remaking vintage suits for boys who wanted to wear their father’s old tuxedos to their events.  Despite the weather and the dismal chances of a garden, it is a time of great Hope…of Optimistic New Beginnings.  

A graduate-to-be telephones to say that he does not have a cap and gown that fits him.  He wants to know if we can take the zipper out of his gown and then put in [his words] “a huge hunk of stretchy material and then cut that in half and put the zipper back in the middle of that” and how much would that cost?  Did he major in Fashion Design? Prudence wants to know. If not, tell him to shut the hell up and let us do our jobs the way we already know how! His garbled requests are so mystifying over the phone we insist he has to bring this gown into the shop so that we can walk around it in person.

When this engineering student comes in and shows us the situation, we realize that, for all his graduate-level book-learning about physics and geometry, this kid ain’t smarter than a fifth-grader, hell, he ain’t even smarter than a seamstress.   For one thing, in sewing, as in Newtonian physics, for each thing you do to a garment there is an equal and opposite reaction.  To keep things symmetrical i.e. “beautiful” (the ancient Greeks—symmetry = Beauty)  one must split the difference required (whether you are taking in or letting out a garment) and do the SAME THING to both sides as best you can.  Front and back are partners in this, left and rights are partners in this.  It’s like a square dance, with head couples and side couples.  They have to do maneuvers that balance and match.  It’s something we humans appreciate in our dancing as well as our clothing. 

This young man wants to enlarge only the front of his gown, so that the arms and side seams align somewhere with his scapulae. Think of cracking an egg top to bottom and only opening the front.  Naturally, we could not tell someone about to get a big piece of paper for being Smart, how dumb his solution was.  He rants on and on about needing “stretchy material” while we ignore him and take the measurements for the two side panels in matching fabric he needs.  Later, we add extra pleats so that the gown flows around him like a graduation gown is supposed to do.   “He’s going to learn a thing or two once he is out in the Real World,” someone comments. 

It gets me thinking.  What, exactly, IS “the Real World?” Russell Baker said “The best advice I can give anybody about going out in the world is this: Don’t Do it. I have been out there.  It is a mess.” I peer around the shop—this has got to be it. There is a half-naked woman in the dressing room whose feet smell like the inside of a hockey bag; there are scraps and thread and glitter ankle deep all over the floor, the phone won’t stop ringing and there is a man waiting at the counter to tell us that his wife has two different sized legs and we’ve wrecked her pants by hemming them evenly.  A woman who spent the morning sucking down a giant latte laxative from Junk ‘N Donuts has just gone into the restroom and had a dump that is making my eyes water.  It’s even obliterating the pong from Miss Hockey Feet. Beautiful gowns hang from the ceiling everywhere I turn.  I cannot see my co-workers in the forest of pastels… Yep.  This is the Real World alright.  

We are all part of some fantastic Show.  What is “real” about the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and what sort of costumes we need to act out the pageants of our lives?  Is it “real” to dress everyone in identical ceremonial outfits and then have them listen to a 45 minute address about how Individuality is What Matters out “In the Real World”?  I think about the days when I sat in rows of matching caps and gowns, as if we were all attending Hogwarts, getting thoroughly sedated by the guest speakers, before they opened the gates to ‘the real World’ so we could rush in, like it was an amusement park, and ride all the rides! and transform the landscape with our youth! and energy! and enthusiasm! And, um, crisp…new… knowledge…. (slump) and by the time they were done—we all just stumbled numbly towards our relatives, wondering where we would go to eat and what would happen next.  The “real world” has been something like that ever since—the struggle to locate our families and loved ones, and figure out when and where and what to eat.  I’m pretty sure it’s been like that since cave times.  Get the graduates all fired up on platitudes about “Oh the Places You’ll Go” and achieving the high standards “Of generations that went before you” and then spend the rest of the day wondering where grandma wandered off to. And so it begins… this new chapter in your life.

For those of you who have not been there yet, in the Real World you will find:

·        Salt looks a lot like Sugar—be wary!

·        Your education only qualifies you to do more learning.  You have NOT learned enough—not by a long shot!

·        98% of the people you deal with are actually very nice but the 2% who ruin it for everybody make you wish you for a solitary job in horticulture

·        The boy doesn’t always get the girl

·        The girl doesn’t always get the boy, or the girl, or the job, or the book deal, or the laundry folded…

·        The test comes first, the lessons after

·        Depending where you go to school, you are taught either of two things: that swearing is wrong, or that praying is wrong.  “They” were wrong.  You must do both.

·        Good & Evil are partners here to teach us to step up our game, become better people, and to understand the significance of well-knit socks…

·        Miracles happen when you least expect them

·        So do disasters

·        Only Living prepares us for life and you’ve already done some of that, so you’re good

·        You will need more diapers than you first imagined

To the young graduates shuffling through our shop, before they hop on that Hamster wheel life alarmingly bereft of satisfaction, I want to say:  don’t get stuck spending eight hours a day to get money to buy things you think are going to make you happy, finding out they don’t actually make you happy, then going back to work to trade another eight or eighty hours to see if the next cycle will make you happy… Do the thing that makes your heart sing.  Sometimes it will be hard and that’s good for you.  Good and “easy” are not synonyms.   But pay attention: If what you are doing turns you into someone your own heart does not like, stop doing it. Ask what changes can be made, then make them. When we become people we don’t like, we start to resent those we serve.  No Good comes of that.  Listen to yourself—not the self that says “let’s sit on the couch and binge-watch Netflix”—but the Deep Self, the part of you that knows Right and Wrong.  Listen to that self.

If you can’t hear that self, get quiet and listen harder. There are layers of awareness.  And for Heaven’s sake, DON’T EVER let anyone tell you you are broken or defective.  You are not broken; you are Whole.  Maybe you  are just not yet fully developed—in the same way that my little lambs are not “broken” they are just very young and small and silly and walk as though the earth is a trampoline. In the same way, apple blossoms are not apples yet. Just because they are not apples does not mean they are wrong or “broken”—just that they need time, water, sunlight, bees…  Your youth, your innocence—these are your Gifts, not your Fault.  Take your time, build the self and life you choose.   A lot of the daily stuff will be about where to go, what to wear, how to find the ones you love in the jungle of other faces, but occasionally, you will pull off Great and Magical and Big things.  Be proud of it all. Especially the little stuff.  As Bette Reese said, “If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.” 

Grow Strong!  Be Well!  Do Great things and make lots of money—Social Security is counting on you! (Ha ha ha)

With all sorts of stinky, smelly, glitter-encrusted REAL love,

Yours aye,


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